
Total Number of words made out of Interdict = 148

Interdict is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 12 points. Interdict is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 14 points. Interdict is a 9 letter long Word starting with I and ending with T. Below are Total 148 words made out of this word.

8 letter Words made out of interdict

1). reindict 2). indicter 3). indirect

7 letter Words made out of interdict

1). dictier 2). neritic 3). tincted 4). dineric 5). incited 6). inditer 7). identic 8). inciter 9). crinite 10). citrine 11). nitride 12). trident 13). nitrite 14). nittier 15). cittern

6 letter Words made out of interdict

1). tinier 2). tinder 3). tinted 4). tineid 5). tidier 6). indite 7). direct 8). cinder 9). indict 10). trined 11). incite 12). tinter 13). credit 14). citrin 15). dicier 16). citied 17). triced 18). nitric 19). rident 20). irenic 21). nitrid 22). cretin 23). retint

5 letter Words made out of interdict

1). nitre 2). nitid 3). niter 4). nicer 5). indri 6). inert 7). riced 8). inter 9). teind 10). ricin 11). teiid 12). titer 13). indie 14). tined 15). trice 16). diner 17). tired 18). titre 19). trend 20). trite 21). edict 22). cried 23). cider 24). icier 25). trine 26). dicer 27). tried 28). recti 29). cited 30). citer 31). tinct

4 letter Words made out of interdict

1). rein 2). tide 3). rent 4). tret 5). rice 6). tent 7). tint 8). tern 9). tied 10). tier 11). tine 12). tire 13). rite 14). rind 15). ride 16). tend 17). rend 18). nide 19). etic 20). diet 21). irid 22). ired 23). dine 24). dint 25). inti 26). dire 27). dirt 28). edit 29). iced 30). dite 31). nerd 32). cedi 33). cent 34). cine 35). nite 36). cire 37). nidi 38). dice 39). cite 40). nice 41). nett 42). dent

3 letter Words made out of interdict

1). end 2). tin 3). den 4). dit 5). din 6). die 7). rec 8). ern 9). ire 10). rin 11). ted 12). rid 13). ten 14). net 15). tet 16). ret 17). nit 18). tic 19). rei 20). ice 21). red 22). tie

2 letter Words made out of interdict

1). de 2). ne 3). it 4). et 5). in 6). id 7). ed 8). ti 9). en 10). er 11). re

Interdict Meaning :- To forbid; to prohibit or debar; as- to interdict intercourse with foreign nations. To lay under an interdict; to cut off from the enjoyment of religious privileges- as a city- a church- an individual. A prohibitory order or decree; a prohibition. A prohibition of the pope- by which the clergy or laymen are restrained from performing- or from attending- divine service- or from administering the offices or enjoying the privileges of the church.

Synonyms of Interdict:- forbid, prohibit, disallow, veto, proscribe, interdiction

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  1. Words that start with Interdict
  2. Vowel only words
  3. consonant only words
  4. 7 Letter words
  5. Words with J
  6. Words with Z
  7. Words with X
  8. Words with Q
  9. Words that start with Q
  10. Words that start with Z
  11. Words that start with F
  12. Words that start with X

Word Finder Tools

  1. Scrabble finder
  2. Words with friends finder
  3. Anagram Finder
  4. Crossword Solver

Words made from adding one letter at the End of interdict


Note: . Anagrams are meaningful words made after rearranging all the letters of the word.
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Note There are 3 vowel letters and 6 consonant letters in the word interdict. I is 9th, N is 14th, T is 20th, E is 5th, R is 18th, D is 4th, C is 3rd, Letter of Alphabet series.

Wordmaker is a website which tells you how many words you can make out of any given word in english language. we have tried our best to include every possible word combination of a given word. Its a good website for those who are looking for anagrams of a particular word. Anagrams are words made using each and every letter of the word and is of the same length as original english word. Most of the words meaning have also being provided to have a better understanding of the word. A cool tool for scrabble fans and english users, word maker is fastly becoming one of the most sought after english reference across the web.