Total Number of words made out of Derelict = 162
Derelict is an acceptable word in
Scrabble with
11 points. Derelict is an accepted word in
Word with Friends having
13 points. Derelict is a
8 letter medium Word starting with D and ending with T. Below are Total 162 words made out of this word.
7 letter Words made out of derelict
1). tierced 2). recited 3). tiercel 4). retiled 5). reticle
6 letter Words made out of derelict
1). retied 2). deceit 3). decile 4). tiered 5). retile 6). deicer 7). direct 8). tierce 9). dieter 10). delict 11). deltic 12). tercel 13). credit 14). clerid 15). cerite 16). triced 17). recite 18). ceiled 19). ceiler 20). tirled 21). reedit 22). lieder 23). relied 24). relict
5 letter Words made out of derelict
1). relic 2). eider 3). liter 4). tried 5). riced 6). edile 7). edict 8). retie 9). erect 10). recti 11). litre 12). elder 13). relit 14). elect 15). idler 16). elite 17). relet 18). elide 19). riled 20). dicer 21). deice 22). tilde 23). cried 24). creel 25). trice 26). citer 27). cited 28). tiler 29). cered 30). cider 31). tired 32). deter 33). creed 34). tiled 35). ceder 36). telic 37). terce 38). treed
4 letter Words made out of derelict
1). lier 2). reel 3). lire 4). lite 5). tied 6). tree 7). reed 8). tirl 9). rede 10). tire 11). teel 12). rile 13). riel 14). ride 15). teed 16). tide 17). rice 18). tier 19). tile 20). tele 21). rete 22). rite 23). cedi 24). dice 25). diel 26). dire 27). dirl 28). dirt 29). dite 30). dree 31). edit 32). eide 33). diet 34). dere 35). deli 36). ceil 37). celt 38). cere 39). cete 40). cire 41). cede 42). deer 43). deet 44). deil 45). dele 46). etic 47). ired 48). iced 49). lied 50). leer 51). lice 52). cite 53). idle 54). leet
3 letter Words made out of derelict
1). rec 2). eld 3). red 4). tic 5). til 6). dee 7). let 8). lei 9). lit 10). lid 11). cel 12). lie 13). cee 14). tie 15). del 16). die 17). ree 18). ere 19). ret 20). eel 21). rid 22). ire 23). ice 24). rei 25). dit 26). ted 27). tee 28). lee 29). tel 30). led
2 letter Words made out of derelict
1). re 2). id 3). et 4). er 5). it 6). li 7). ed 8). el 9). ti 10). de
Derelict Meaning :- Given up or forsaken by the natural owner or guardian; left and abandoned; as- derelict lands. Lost; adrift; hence- wanting; careless; neglectful; unfaithful. A thing voluntary abandoned or willfully cast away by its proper owner- especially a ship abandoned at sea. A tract of land left dry by the sea- and fit for cultivation or use.
Synonyms of Derelict:- woebegone, worn, decrepit, creaky, dilapidated, ramshackle, tatterdemalion, damaged, bedraggled, abandoned, uninhabited
Also see:-
- Words that start with Derelict
- Vowel only words
- consonant only words
- 7 Letter words
- Words with J
- Words with Z
- Words with X
- Words with Q
- Words that start with Q
- Words that start with Z
- Words that start with F
- Words that start with X
Word Finder Tools
- Scrabble finder
- Words with friends finder
- Anagram Finder
- Crossword Solver
Words made from adding one letter at the End of derelict
Note: . Anagrams are meaningful words made after rearranging all the letters of the word.
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There are 3 vowel letters and 5 consonant letters in the word derelict. D is 4th, E is 5th, R is 18th, L is 12th, I is 9th, C is 3rd, T is 20th, Letter of Alphabet series.
Wordmaker is a website which tells you how many words you can make out of any given word in english language. we have tried our best to include every possible word combination of a given word. Its a good website for those who are looking for anagrams of a particular word. Anagrams are words made using each and every letter of the word and is of the same length as original english word. Most of the words meaning have also being provided to have a better understanding of the word. A cool tool for scrabble fans and english users, word maker is fastly becoming one of the most sought after english reference across the web.