Total Number of words that start with DAM found =86

DAM comprises of 3 letters. Below are Total 86 words Starting with DAM (Prefix) found after searching through all the words in english. DAM is itself is a word in english. dam is made up of letters D, A and M. Where D is 4th , A is 1st and M is 13th Letter of Alphabet series

Also see: Words ending with Dam | Words containing Dam

15 letter Words starting with dam

1). Damageabilities

14 letter Words starting with dam

1). Damnablenesses

13 letter Words starting with dam

1). Damageability

12 letter Words starting with dam

1). Damselfishes 2). Damnableness

11 letter Words starting with dam

1). Damselflies 2). Damascening

10 letter Words starting with dam

1). Damascenes 2). Damnedests 3). Damnifying 4). Damascened 5). Dampnesses 6). Damnations 7). Damagingly 8). Damselfish

9 letter Words starting with dam

1). Damnatory 2). Damnifies 3). Damnified 4). Dameworts 5). Damningly 6). Damnedest 7). Damndests 8). Damasking 9). Damselfly 10). Damnation 11). Damascene 12). Dampening 13). Dampeners

8 letter Words starting with dam

1). Damnable 2). Dampness 3). Dampings 4). Damndest 5). Dampener 6). Damneder 7). Damozels 8). Damosels 9). Dampened 10). Damnably 11). Damewort 12). Damasked 13). Damagers 14). Damaging

7 letter Words starting with dam

1). Dampish 2). Damping 3). Dampest 4). Damozel 5). Damages 6). Damosel 7). Dampers 8). Damasks 9). Damning 10). Dampens 11). Damming 12). Dammers 13). Damsels 14). Damsons 15). Dammars 16). Damager 17). Damaged 18). Damners 19). Damnify

6 letter Words starting with dam

1). Damper 2). Damply 3). Damage 4). Damson 5). Damsel 6). Dammed 7). Damans 8). Damner 9). Dammar 10). Damned 11). Damped 12). Dampen 13). Damask 14). Damars 15). Dammer

5 letter Words starting with dam

1). Dames 2). Damns 3). Damps 4). Daman 5). Damar

4 letter Words starting with dam

1). Dams 2). Dame 3). Damp 4). Damn

3 letter Words starting with dam

1). Dam

Dam :- A female parent; -- used of beasts- especially of quadrupeds; sometimes applied in contempt to a human mother. A kind or crowned piece in the game of draughts. A barrier to prevent the flow of a liquid; esp.- a bank of earth- or wall of any kind- as of masonry or wood- built across a water course- to confine and keep back flowing water. A firebrick wall- or a stone- which forms the front of the hearth of a blast furnace.

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