
Total Number of words containing Sors found =74

Sors is a 4 letter Word. Below are Total 74 words containing this word. List of all words Containing Sors are listed below categorized upon number of words.

Also see | Words ending with Sors

15 letter Words Containing sors

1). Multiprocessors 2). Microprocessors

14 letter Words Containing sors

1). Anticensorship 2). Professorships 3). Cosponsorships

13 letter Words Containing sors

1). Dispossessors 2). Transgressors 3). Cosponsorship 4). Professorship 5). Preprocessors

12 letter Words Containing sors

1). Sponsorships 2). Vasopressors 3). Intercessors 4). Coprocessors 5). Corepressors 6). Predecessors 7). Repossessors

11 letter Words Containing sors

1). Censorships 2). Sponsorship 3). Improvisors 4). Franchisors 5). Supervisors 6). Suppressors 7). Antecessors 8). Compressors

10 letter Words Containing sors

1). Disseisors 2). Successors 3). Possessors 4). Precensors 5). Precursors 6). Processors 7). Professors 8). Censorship 9). Biosensors 10). Regressors 11). Repressors 12). Aggressors 13). Oppressors 14). Cosponsors 15). Suspensors 16). Misfeasors 17). Confessors 18). Depressors

9 letter Words Containing sors

1). Endorsors 2). Promisors 3). Assessors 4). Extensors 5). Indorsors 6). Diffusors 7). Vavassors 8). Previsors 9). Stressors 10). Obsessors 11). Colessors 12). Licensors 13). Aspersors

8 letter Words Containing sors

1). Vavasors 2). Revisors 3). Sponsors 4). Incisors 5). Devisors 6). Advisors 7). Plessors 8). Pressors 9). Scissors 10). Divisors

7 letter Words Containing sors

1). Cursors 2). Censors 3). Tussors 4). Tensors 5). Sensors 6). Lessors 7). Seisors

6 letter Words Containing sors

1). Visors

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